BUSCO making a change – capacity building at SEKOMU’s IT services

Blog post written by Mr. I J Shamangale, ICT Department
Truly we at SEKOMU have witnessed the impact of BUSCO in our work as the community, both for staff and students. This could not happen so easily without BUSCO’s input to our University and our IT department.
With the investment by BUSCO, we were able to buy one new server which helps in improving the internet service at the university, as with it and the old server we are now able to manage the bandwidth usage on campus. Now internet users are able to use the internet without complaining about the slowness of the internet connection. Also we connect the library user through the access point. All this was impossible before.
As the new server is used for Local Network DNS, one of the old servers is running the PF Sense software for bandwidth management. We were also able to install the wireless access point at our Library building for students and staff using their own laptops and phones as we have only three desktops for staff which are wired connected. Five brand new laptops for the project key experts use are also extremely helpful.
It is only through BUSCO project that this is achieved. We are now enjoying the fruit of the BUSCO project.