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Busco Blog

Greetings from Iringa – BUSCO project continues with refreshed plans

BUSCO project staff from Finland and Tanzania met during the first week of June 2019 in Iringa. The aim of the meeting was to plan the activities for the remaining time of the project, which will end at the beginning of 2020.

Local Guides Form an Association in Luhoto District

After a very successful and comprehensive training of local tour guides, the guides decided to form an association called Usambara Local Tour Guides Association (ULTA) which will involve more than 55 local tour guides. 

How you can benefit from the Quality System in everyday work

The staff and students often misunderstand the quality system of the university. When working as the quality manager of Haaga-Helia University over eight years, …

Faculty of Psychology: first modern facility allows practicing counseling in real-life settings

Before BUSCO project, the faculty of psychology at the University of Iringa had only the building with infrastructures necessary for teaching and learning by doing for both the lecturers and students studying at the Counselling Psychology Programme. Now the faculty improvements through BUSCO project enable a completely new approach in the faculty.

Piloting the Master Programme

The joint Master’s Degree Programme in Community Development, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution was introduced in the fall 2017 in Diak within the BUSCO project. The Tanzanian partners are waiting for the results of accredition process.

BUSCO’s Impact on University of Iringa ICT Capacity Building

Blog Post written by Fredrick Ngumbuke, ICT Directorate The university is experiencing a positive impact of BUSCO on its ICT infrastructure improvement. The ICT …

How the Intensive Course Advanced Project Work

All four BUSCO project partner universities met for an intensive course with a team of multisectoral stakeholders from the community with the aim of …

Busco Intensive Course: Touching a Village Life

A touch of love: Tanja Heikkinen an International student from Finland, had an opportunity to meet rural families and experience village life. Pic by …

BUSCO making a change – capacity building at SEKOMU’s IT services

Blog post written by Mr. I J Shamangale, ICT Department Truly we at SEKOMU have witnessed the impact of BUSCO in our work as …

First training for local tour guides in 20 years receives a guest of honor and media attention

The training for local tour guides carried out through the BUSCO project is the first one in more than 20 years in Lushoto District . The opening of the training was greeted by a guest of honor, the Lushoto District Executive Officer on the 16th May, 2018. The day also received media attention, as radio interviews were carried out by a local radio presenter from Utume Radio-Lushoto.