Busco Intensive Course: Touching a Village Life

A touch of love: Tanja Heikkinen an International student from Finland, had an opportunity to meet rural families and experience village life. Pic by Damas Kamala
A study tour to Iringa rural areas was a chance for Masters Students in our joint online programme in Community Development, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution to be exposed to the real life in African villages.
The students had the chance to learn about the ways of life in the area, and to discuss different issues in economic, human rights, community development and services as perceived by villagers.
Students’ visit was planned by lecturers and supervised by our local stakeholders, and its objective was to observe how universities can positively impact the lives of the villagers by trying to empower them in areas of their challenges using asset based approach to co-create a sustainable and resilient community.
Text by Mfangavo H. and Aloyce Mohamed