BUSCO’s Impact on University of Iringa ICT Capacity Building

Blog Post written by Fredrick Ngumbuke, ICT Directorate
The university is experiencing a positive impact of BUSCO on its ICT infrastructure improvement. The ICT infrastructure at UoI has been very old which requires remarkable improvements. The University has been struggling to get it improved but with a small pace because of the economical constraints.
Fibre Cable Connection Improvement
The buildings at UoI are in blocks spaced at a distance from each other. UoI LAN infrastructure deploys fibre cables to link the spaced buildings. The problem is that, these cables are very old, their performance has degraded to being useless. BUSCO helped the University by providing fibre terminal equipment and the entire connectivity activity facilitation. Not all links are working, but at least the most important LAN routes are now up and running.
Computer Laboratory Improvement
Apart from supporting living labs concept (co-creation) to improve the livelihood of the University’s surrounding societies, BUSCO project has an Online Master of Community Development, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution programme component. This online master programme is funded with a modern computer laboratory which will allow online students to meet occasionally in case of difficulties with their electronic gadgets. It will also be used for the face-to-face sessions with lecturers who requires to do so.
UoI-BUSCO’S Well-furnished computer laboratory for Online students
While waiting for the master programme to start, the laboratory is occasionally used by lecturers who will be involved in the training and some who will not to do their daily activities. It is a very helpful lab now. It has added an important value to the University’s performance.
Ten New Laptops
BUSCO has helped the University with ten brand new laptops which will be used by lecturers who will be involved in conducting courses for the Online Master of Community Development, Human Rights and Conflict resolution programme.
These laptops will improve the quality of training remarkably. Lecturers will be using them anywhere to conduct training to their online students. The idea is that, when the course is completed, the laptop is returned for another lecturer to use.
The three major improvements said above have only been possible at the courtesy of BUSCO project. The University believes that, more collaboration on similar projects are welcomed. This project has been a very important project to all parties involved. The society through living labs has started to feel the presence of the University and its contribution to their day to day